Saturday November 28th - The “Hanging of the Greens” We will decorate the church for the Advent and Christmas Season. Bring a can of soup (not creamed soup) and we’ll have a soup supper when we finish decking the halls. Festivities begin at 4 PM.
Sunday December 6th – Advent Potluck and Readers’ Theater following church. Bring a dish to share for the potluck and be prepared to be an enthusiastic audience (or participants) in a short play in honor of the Christmas season.
Sunday December 13th - Special Gospel music soloist Nichol Eskridge will be with us in worship. After worship is the Women's’ association bake sale. Remember your $! All monies collected go to the mission causes supported by the Women's Association.
Sunday December 20th – The choir will present a musical Cantata during worship. We will hear the Christmas message in word and song. This is one of the musical highlights of the year -- invite your friends and family to join us!
Thursday, December 24th 11 PM – our traditional Christmas eve candlelight service. Take a nap in the afternoon, then join us for this late-night celebration of Christmas as we hear the Christmas story through lessons and carols.