Northwesterners are familiar with cool and cloudy June weather – June-uary – and this year didn’t disappoint. But now we get to enjoy July with its warmth and beauty. We have a new roof thanks to you! We have some new life and purpose as well. Preschool is off for the summer vacation. Bible Study is on break as well, after our yearlong study in Acts. All I can say is Great Work! Summer is a time for relaxing and regrouping.
Starting this month, I will preach a series on the mysterious book of Hebrews. We will have discussion time after worship in place of Bible Study. I really look forward to exploring Hebrews with you. In the fall, we will study 2nd Corinthians which is a great book in the lead up to the election in November. Paul talks about faithful and good leadership.
Games Night on the 2nd Saturday of each month will continue through the summer. The next one is July13th at 7 PM. Crafternoon was a great success in June. We will have it again on the 3rd Sunday after worship on July 21st.
Please tell your friends and family about our Online Streaming Worship. We are averaging about 30 views per week and would love to see it grow! Please go to the website for the latest links.
This is what I am planning for worship in July.
Sunday, July 7th. In “Hebrews - The True Human” we will start our study of Hebrews and it elegant sounding Greek words. The first two chapters show us the whole nature of Jesus, both as the Son of God above the angels and the True Human below the angels. Since Jesus is both, he is our guide and savior.
Sunday, July 14th. I tackle one of the misused verses in all the Bible, Hebrews 4:12 about the sword, in “Hebrews - Rest Not Warfare.” Instead of a weapon, the Word of God is about second chances. The Israelites weren’t allowed to rest in the wilderness, but in Jesus we can rest in the Logos, the Word.
Sunday, July 21st. In “Hebrews - Holy Melchizedek Batman!” I explore one of the weirdest and most mysterious connections between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Melchizedek is briefly mentioned in Genesis, but by the time of the New Testament, he was thought of as the ideal high priest. Jesus was compared to Melchizedek to show the people how he has become our intermediary with God the Father.
Sunday, July 28th. Elder Eileen Otti will preach “Everything We Need” about the amazing story of Jesus feeding the 5000 overlooking the Sea of Galilee. The people had come out to hear Jesus preach but many of them were poor fishermen and farmers, so they couldn’t just go to the local fast-food joint or grocery store to eat. Jesus provided both for their bodies as well as their hearts and souls.
It is a joy to serve God with you! I look forward to worshiping with you in July!
Grace and Peace, Pastor Rob