With Summer in full swing, we have been busy at Edmonds PC. The roof redo is almost done. We only need some beams replaced in the atrium. There are two ways for you to help complete the job. Firstly, we have a Work-Day planned for Saturday, August 17 at 10am to paint some of the repaired woodwork. Please consider showing up in your paint-clothes and a paintbrush.
Secondly, you have generously donated to the roof fund. We have nearly $12,000 and we have about another $10,000 to go to cover the immediate costs. If you are able, we would greatly appreciate your further donations to the roof fund.
In worship, I am halfway through my 6-part series on Hebrews. It is such an important book to understand in our tumultuous times. We will continue after worship discussion time instead of Bible Study for the summer.
Bible Study will return in September on 2 Corinthians. This will go until Advent, when we will study the Names of Jesus by the amazing Walter Brueggemann. Please join us after worship on Sundays, approximately 11:30 AM in person. Or you can join by Zoom on Tuesdays at 10 AM. Log in information is on the back of this newsletter.
Games Night on the 2nd Saturday of each month will continue through the summer. The next one is August 10th at 7 PM. Crafternoon was a great success in June. We will have it again on the 3rd Sunday after worship on August 18th.
Please tell your friends and family about our Online Streaming Worship. We are averaging about 30 views per week and would love to see it grow! Please go to the www.epc-pcusa.org website for the latest links.
This is what I am planning for worship in August.
Sunday, August 4th. In “Hebrews - No Going Back” I will show how the Old Covenant fits with the New Covenant. The New Covenant is about second chances, and it is about the law written on your heart.
Sunday, August 11th. Rev. Rob Hagan will preach an inspiring sermon. He is our Presbyterian Foundation Development Officer and a terrific preacher.
Sunday, August 18th. “Hebrews - The Meaning of Faith” focuses on Hebrews 11 which contains the most beautiful definition of faith and then shows the cloud of faithful witnesses from the Old Testament leading up to Jesus.
Sunday, August 25th. Amy Clippinger will preach “The Armor of Righteousness” about the famous imagery of Ephesians 6. Paul used the language and imagery of the pagan goddess Artemis as an example of the saving grace of Jesus.
It is a joy to serve God with you! I look forward to worshiping with you in August!
Grace and Peace, Pastor Rob