CHRISTMAS JOY: The Christmas Joy offering received $460 from our church to help pastors and their families with severe financial needs and to help students of color attending Presbyterian-related schools. Each group receives 50% of the offering.
JAN GRIFFITH RETIRES: For a long time, we have been sending part of our mission money to Jan Griffith to help with her ministry in Sweden. Jan has worked full- time through her church, providing a lot of help to refugees, promoting Bible study in the community and strengthening relationships between denominations. Jan has played a vital role in the school operated by the church.
Many students at the school are refugees. Jan grew up in our congregation, the daughter of Bob and Marian Griffith, who were long-time active members of this church. Jan is now retiring and will no longer need our support. We thank her for a job well done and wish her well in her retirement years.
MATTHEW HOUSE IS CLOSED: Sadly, Matthew House, which has provided services to families visiting loved-ones in the Monroe Prison, is closed. Matthew House carried on a vital ministry for 40 years but is now closed and their property is being sold. We are sorry to see them go, but do thank God for the ministry Linda Paz, her staff and volunteers have done so faithfully.
UNDERGROUND MINISTRIES JOINS OUR MISSION RECIPIENTS: Underground Ministries, founded by the Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, builds relationships of trust between prisoners soon to be released and the community. They want newly released prisoners to feel like part of the community. Assistance finding housing and jobs is provided, as well as social and spiritual support. Underground Coffee Company provides training for ex-prisoners who want to work for the coffee company. A portion of money from coffee sales goes to help Underground Ministries.
FEBRUARY MISSION RECIPIENTS: Opening Blind Eyes, a ministry to prisoners in the Monroe Prison, will receive $150 from pre-school tithe money. The Everett Gospel Mission will receive the annual $100 donation. The Everett Gospel Mission provides many services for homeless people.
Ruth R, Mission Elder