Eagle Wings disability Ministries is an organization that builds relationships for persons with disAbilities, their families and caregivers. An art class was introduced this year and has been very popular with people who attend. A new cooking class has also been well received. Social events are held throughout the year at local churches or other venues. Support groups are held for care-givers during some social functions.
Renewal Ministries Northwest seeks to help people grow spiritually. Retreats which emphasize spiritual growth are held throughout the year. Renewal Ministries is committed to the Scriptures, the historic Christian faith in the ancient creeds and the Triune God, an unwavering reliance on God’s Spirit, and fervent prayer.
Tall Timber Ranch located in Leavenworth offers summer camps for all ages, family camps, and group retreats. Youth camps give young people a chance to engage in outdoor activities, crafts, grow spiritually, build relationships, and learn how to be in the woods without leaving a trace behind themselves. “Scholarships” are provided for children from families who cannot afford to pay the fee to attend the camp.
Underground Ministries, founded by the Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, builds relationships of trust between prisoners and the community, especially those nearing the end of their sentence, so the former prisoners will feel like part of the community when they are released. Assistance finding housing and jobs is provided, as well as social support and spiritual help. Underground Coffee Company provides training for ex-prisoners who want to work for the coffee company. A portion of the money from coffee sales goes to help the Underground Ministries.
Mending Wings exists to empower and heal Native youth through leadership development, cultural retention and revitalization programs, spirituality, and the Native way of life. Mending Wings seeks to teach Yakima teens their culture, language, and spiritual way of life so they are knowledgeable about and comfortable with their culture at a young age.
Campbell Farm is a faith-based community non-profit provider of educational and social services. They are focused on youth, and through them, their families. Campbell Farm is located on the Yakima Reservation in Wapato, Washington. The farm is a place of safety and respite with programs to address mental, spiritual, and physical health, educational achievement, food security, and Native American cultural awareness. All services are offered without regard to race, religion, national origin, or gender.
Private donations will provide a $100 offering to the Presbyterian Hunger Program. The Presbyterian Hunger Fund helps people become self-sufficient by providing monetary help, seeds and seedlings, farm land, farming tools, water retention tanks, and training in better farming practices. Gifts of chickens, a goat, pig, or cow provide a family with protein for their diet, and a chance to sell extra eggs and milk to add extra money to help the family buy necessities. Some food for distribution is purchased from local farmers, providing for more local income and reducing the cost of shipping produce to area residents.
If you would like to make a donation to help increase our mission giving, you may put “missions” on the subject line on your check, or put some money in an envelope marked “mission” in the offering plate so it will get to right place.