Eagle Wings: Serves people with handicaps, many of whom need caregivers. During normal years these people suffer social isolation and frustration in performing activities of daily living such as dressing, eating, or even getting from place to place. The Eagle Wings staff make routine calls to shut-ins, provide social activities with games for the young and encouragement for the caregivers.
Jean Kim Foundation for Homeless Education: Jean Kim founded this foundation to encourage homeless men and women to improve their lives by attending school or college, thus enabling themselves to earn a living wage and earn their way out of poverty. The foundation provides a small house equipped with electricity and a safe place to sleep and study for each student accepted into the program.
Opening Blind Eyes: Prison Ministry with the aim of bringing hope to the men of Monroe Prison. Pastor “Rip” Van Winkle provides counseling, bible studies, hospital visitations, and pastoral care to inmates and staff along with prayers and evangelism.
Puget Sound Foursquare: In support of Jan Griffin, our missionary to Sweden.
Puget Sound Christian Clinic: Mobile Dental and Medical Clinic provides free care to those in need. (Pledge of $100 per month)
Renewal Ministries Northwest: Reverend Dianna Kunce reports a large growth in the number of people seeking spiritual direction and an expansion of their programs during the past year thanks to their use of the Zoom format. They plan to continue using Zoom after returning to their normal in-person activities in Mill Creek.
Everett Gospel Mission: Offers food and shelter and a Christian message to homeless men and women and children.
Cancer Pathways: Offers support and transportation to those receiving cancer care.
Habitat for Humanity: Provides an opportunity for low-income families to work to earn their own home.
Menaul School: A boarding school in New Mexico offering education and opportunity for growth to students through high school, partly supported through box tops for education. Many graduates continue on to college and successful careers.
Northwest Coast Presbytery-United Mission: This is our own Presbytery.
Pregnancy Resource Center: Cares for pregnant women with medical services, tangible resources and community referrals. Encourages sanctity of human life.
Presbyterian Hunger Program: Administered through the Presbyterian Church USA.
Salvation Army: Everett Office
Vision House: Provides apartments and support to homeless women and children.
Whitworth University: Spokane based Presbyterian College.
World Concern: Changing lives all over the world by helping people help themselves, by digging wells for clean water, teaching how to raise crops and livestock, offering medical care, saving girls from sex traffickers, and child marriage, and being there for the forgotten, the hopeless and the hurting.
Matthew House: Provides respite, food, and counseling to families of those in Monroe Prison.
Presbyterian Church USA Mission Partner: Tyler Holm, wife Rochelle and daughter Mphatso.
Margaret S, Mission Elder