You are invited to explore the future with us in a variety of ways. Here are several to look forward to:
- · We will have “talk sheets” that we would like you to complete for yourself, then share one-on-one with a neighbor in the community. Let’s learn from one another.
- · We will have interviews with community leaders, again one-on-one. The session invites you to consider who you know in leadership in the Edmonds area that you might be willing to interview on our behalf. Look for that invitation in May. Let’s learn from our community.
- · We will have a “Heritage Lunch” in June to celebrate and learn from the history of this congregation. As we share memories together, our future may begin to come into clearer focus. Let’s learn from our past.
- · We will bathe this whole process in prayer, as we prepare to Praise God together for many years to come. Look for specific invitations and suggestions for your prayers as we proceed. Let’s learn from our prayers.
May God lead us as we study scripture and pray. In the words of Psalm 119:106, we proclaim our hope that God’s word will guide and direct us, “a lamp to my feet and a light to my path,” that we may praise God together!