Mission chairman Ruth R reported that she mailed 83 pairs of socks and a check for $80 to Operation Nightwatch. Ruth is also accepting donations toward buying gift cards for the Christmas family whose information was given to her by Pregnancy Resources. This year the family consists of a mother, a 14 year old girl and a younger boy. Contributions for gift cards for the family are being collected by sending a check to our church office.
We had the privilege of having Ann Sakaguchi from Operation Nightwatch as our speaker. Ann told us about Rick Reynold’s episode with being ill with Covid-19 with the good news that he has recovered and is now a blood donor for treating others with the disease. They have had to markedly cut down on their mission housing due to the virus so now can only 24 people per night instead of the 99 they used to house. It is a constant struggle to find food and housing for all their clients. They have to purchases hotel rooms for those who need help the most and they need warm hats, scarves, hand warmers and snacks for those who have to sleep on the streets. They really appreciate any money we can send. The church will collect contributions and we will see that they are delivered.
Our next fund raiser is the Thank Offering for this month which Ruth will report about in our December meeting. Our December meeting will be our Christmas program which Pastor Amy and Kathy M are planning. We will again have a communion service and sing Christmas carols. The meeting will be at 11 AM on December 9, the same zoom as our church service. Hoping to see all the women of the church there for our Christmas party. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!
Margaret S, moderator
Our Christmas family this year is a mother, Courtney, a girl, Kiara, who is 14, and a 7 year old boy named Kingston. Kim said $435 has been donated for the family, enough to give each child two $50 gift cards, a $100 grocery card, which we can increase to $135 and still have $100 for gift cards for the mother. We will be able to give all we were required to give, plus some extra. Thank you to everyone who donated to make this family’s Christmas a little brighter. I will deliver the cards to Pathways in early December. Let us keep this family in our prayers. Although we do not know what problems they face, God knows, and he can provide guidance and hope for them.