1) The Garden Gate Ranch in Des Moines, Iowa, funds go to helping exploited women and children by providing therapeutic services and vocational rehabilitation
2) Memorial Drive Ministries, Stone Mountain, Georgia, funds to replace their gym roof.
3) Nkhoma Mission Hospital, a Women’s Health Center in Nkhoma, Malawi.
A collection was taken up by treasurer Kathy M and is being sent to our Synod. Kathy reports $63 was collected from our group.
Sunshine committee sent a condolence card to Myrtle S family who reported her death on August 31 and remembrance cards to June N, Marcia P, and Martha O.
Those present drew names for prayer partners. Please call Margaret S if you would like to be included in prayer partners.
The meeting ended with a delightful picnic lunch provided by Kathy M and Ruth R. Lunch for the November meeting will be by Mary C and Kathy M. October meeting will be a 12 noon luncheon at the Pancake Haus in Edmonds and you are all invited to join us. The November and December meetings will both be at the church at 11:30 am.
Please remember that Presbyterian Women are often God’s hands and feet as we impact the lives of people in need in this country and around the world.