Summer is finally here! Warm weather, garden parties, vacations. We have several fun things planned for this summer at Edmonds. I am so encouraged by the life we have seen in recent months. We just added a new member on Pentecost. We also had a very successful Games Night in May. Join us for our next Games Night on Saturday, June 3rd, 7-9PM.
Our partnership with the Edmonds Toy Shop is growing with a bicycle distribution event on the afternoon of Saturday, June 3rd. Come by and see what they have been working in our back sheds for the last 6 months. They will distribute bikes and offer games and snacks for the kids. We will send out a reminder flyer with details.
Bible Study will be on hiatus for the Summer as usual. Instead, we will meet after worship for a sermon discussion. I am doing an 8-part series on the Book of Revelation. As an Apocalypse story, it means “revealing” in Greek. See how it is more revealing about who we are now than prophecy of the future.
Please tell your friends and family about our Online Streaming Worship. Please go to the website for the latest links.
This is what I am planning for worship in June.
Sunday, June 4th. In “Irresistible Love” I will show how the Trinity is linked to the Creation story. God said, “Let US create humankind in OUR image.” When you see how the Trinity is about mutual love in mind, body, and spirit, you can see that Creation seems irresistible.
Sunday, June 11th. I begin an 8-part series on Revelation with “Seven Letters – Seeing Ourselves in Revelation.” The book starts gently by telling us how seven historic churches in Western Turkey are doing. Kind of like a report card. There is more there than it seems because we can see ourselves in the letters.
Sunday, June 18th. Things get crazy really quickly in “Seven Seals – A Big Change.” I will go through the context of the book and how to interpret the wild and fantastical images with hope instead of fear. When you know the circumstances that these Christians were in, you can see how Revelation contains such important messages for them and for us.
Sunday, June 25th. In “Seven Trumpets – The Great Unfolding” you will see how some of the craziest imagery is interpreted. In keeping with the style of apocalyptic literature of the day, these images helped the people understand the sweeping changes of history that they were living through. When we look at our world, we can see how these things influence us and our future.
Please consider joining us for sermon discussion after worship this summer!
It is a joy to serve God with you! I am thrilled to see what’s next for us.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Rob