Welcome to the New Year! The church’s new year began last month with Advent. 2024 will begin with Baptism of the Lord Sunday on January 7th. I think 2024 will be very exciting. The Preschool starts meeting here this month. We have our new Musical Accompanist, Katherine, who I am delighted to welcome.
We will start new member classes in February. There are two meetings, some homework, and we will receive new members during out Easter Service on March 31st. Please plan ahead. If you are interested in joining, please contact me and I will give you all the information.
Our Bible Study on Acts continues. Join us after worship in person or Tuesday at 10 AM on Zoom. We are using Scot McKnight’s “Acts.” There are free copies on the back table at church. It is also available on Kindle.
Men’s Group happens 9 AM on Saturday Mornings. We share in music, bible study, and discussion. Women’s Association meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month with lunch. Get involved in their mission and outreach activities.
Please tell your friends and family about our Online Streaming Worship. Please go to the www.epc-pcusa.org website for the latest links.
This is what I am planning for worship in January.
Sunday, January 7th. For Baptism of the Lord Sunday, I will preach “Apollos’s Education.” Apollos is a fascinating figure in Acts 18 & 19. He was very charismatic and on fire, but he needed some education to be more effective. He received it from Priscilla, one of the most important women in the Bible.
Sunday, January 14th. Ordinary Time begins again, but rather than being just ordinary, we will talk about what it means for Jesus to be from Galilee in “Anything Good Out of Nazareth.” Paul said all things are lawful but not all things are beneficial in 1 Corinthians. Jesus frees us to follow the law of love and acceptance.
Sunday, January 21st. I will explore one of the most interesting things about God’s action in the Old Testament in “God Changes.” To some this seems like it is not write, but God changed his mind several times in scripture. What did that mean for the ancient Hebrews and what does it mean for us?
Sunday, January 28th. Deuteronomy talks about “The Coming Prophet.” Is this prophet Jesus? Will he be the one to cast out demons and save Israel? Or will he be the one cast out by his own townspeople? According to Paul, Jesus gave us liberty from the law and from fear. Why doesn’t everyone see Jesus that way?
It is a joy to serve God with you! I look forward to worshiping with you in January!
Grace and Peace, Pastor Rob