2- What do we know from archaeology about seafaring in Biblical times? A lecture given by archaeologist Shelley Wachsmann.
A two-part class, Sundays February 9 and 23rd following worship. 1 – How do archaeologists do their work? What questions can archaeology answer? What are the questions archaeology cannot answer? Come and watch the video “Biblical Archaeology from the ground down” together for these answers and more.
2- What do we know from archaeology about seafaring in Biblical times? A lecture given by archaeologist Shelley Wachsmann.
Join us after worship on December 1 & 8 for more lessons from Dr. Amy-Jill Levine on the parables of Jesus. Dr. Levine brings a unique perspective as a Jewish professor of the New Testament at a Christian Seminary. Each session is a different parable, so feel free to join us when your schedule allows. (The 8th will be a repeat of the parable of the Good Samaritan, which many of us were unable to attend.)
Join us after worship on November 3, 10, and 24 for more lessons from Dr. Amy-Jill Levine on the parables of Jesus. Dr. Levine brings a unique perspective as a Jewish professor of the New Testament at a Christian Seminary. Each session is a different parable, so feel free to join us when your schedule allows. Our fall class is a series studying Dr. Amy-Jill Levine’s book, “Short Stories Jesus Told: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi,” using her videos to amplify the text. Dr. Levine brings her Jewish heritage to her study of the New Testament, and offers keen insights into the parables of Jesus form a Jewish and scholarly perspective. Join us for six Sundays following worship as we learn more about the parables of Jesus. The classes will be on Sundays beginning September 29th, no class on International potluck day, October 6th. The first lesson is on the parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Lost Son (Luke 15.)
Curious about what it means to be a Presbyterian? Pastor Amy would love to have a conversation with you, and if there are enough people interested, offer a group conversation with information about this congregation, our presbytery, and our national denomination (PCUSA.) Contact Pastor Amy if you are interested in learning more.
Our fall class is a series studying Dr. Amy-Jill Levine’s book, “Short Stories Jesus Told: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi,” using her videos to amplify the text. Dr. Levine brings her Jewish heritage to her study of the New Testament, and offers keen insights into the parables of Jesus form a Jewish and scholarly perspective. Join us for six Sundays following worship as we learn more about the parables of Jesus. The classes will be on Sundays beginning September 29th, no class on International Potluck day, October 6th. We have one more video study left in our 5-part series. Thanks to all the other events of May, that class will be Sunday, June 2nd, following worship. Come and join us for a lively bible study and time of discussion.
Thank-you! Toall who helped with our Easter Sunday Services – the music, choir, hospitality, egg hunt, child care and Sunday school -- YOU made Easter happen for our community and our guests. (Did you see that we had 10 kids in attendance?) Thank-you for all you did on Easter Sunday and every Sunday. The Adult class that meets after worship is completing its study on “Being Presbyterian.” Parts 4 & 5 are April 7th & 14th. You are welcome to join us! You may also find the videos & study guides for any classes you may have missed online at www.theocademy.com. |
August 2024
The CallerA monthly newsletter of upcoming events, celebrations, and news of the church community. Categories