It has been a number of years in the making, but we are moving forward with the help of our Presbytery toward a new future.
Northwest Coast Presbytery has authorized hiring an architect who will work with us and our potential partners to create a remodel design that will include spaces for:
· Church offices, meeting & worship space
· Our existing tenants
· The Presbytery’s offices & a shared reception area
· Approximately four office spaces for an extension of an existing counseling center
· A preschool, similar to the bilingual preschool at Lake Forest Park Presbyterian church
· And possibly plans for a future expansion to host a second
It is good to see how God has led this church through the winding and often discouraging process of discernment to this day when we can announce the beginning of a new thing.
Today we give thanks to God for our partnership with the Presbytery and the financial support they are planning on providing to make this possible. We give thanks to the estate of Cindy Jacobson, which is providing additional financial support of our existing operations. We give thanks to our anonymous donor of many years who provided for much needed maintenance including carpeting, flooring, windows, and improved drainage.
Our story reminds me of the story of Abraham and his wife, Sarah. When they set out from Ur, they did so not knowing where God would lead. At each stop along the way they made an altar of stones and gave thanks for God’s help and provision. We, too, have been on a journey, and have many more stops on this journey ahead of us. I give thanks that God has been with us in the past, and will be with us in the future. Thanks be to God!
So what’s next? I have a meeting scheduled with our Presbytery executive and the architect for next week to go over that very question. I have also invited the architect and a representative from the Presbytery’s executive board to join us on February 17th* for worship, a conversation about next steps, and our potluck lunch.I am hopeful that they can also meet briefly with the session at their meeting following the potluck.
In the meantime please join me in prayer for two things: 1) Thanksgiving to God who is providing this way forward for good stewardship of our property! and 2) that God would help us build the best team possible to work with the architect as he begins his design process. If you are interested in being part of that team, please contact me.
In our annual reports this year several of us quoted the prophet Isaiah (43:19) “I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” We are blessed indeed to be included in this new thing God is preparing to do at Edmonds!
With thanks to God,
Pastor Amy
*Please note that there will NOT be a potluck on the 17th, due to weather. If our architect will not be able to join us that day, we will post that update on Facebook.