We have been busy this summer! We had two church workdays, an active men’s group, an ordination, and new hymnals!
We also partnered with Edmonds Toy Store (part of the Edmonds Food Bank) for doing bicycle distributions in the coming year. Things are really happening at the church!
As we go into Fall, we will restart the Bible Study about the Sermon on the Mount using Amy-Jill Levine’s “Toward the Kingdom of Heaven.” Please join us after Sunday Worship in-person or Tuesdays at 10AM for Zoom Bible Study.
For those of you who would like to become members and those who are membership curious, I will do two sessions in October and November, so we can welcome new members in Advent.
I am very active on social media nowadays. Please follow me on Facebook (@EdmondsPres), Instagram (@EdmondsPresbyterianChurch), or TikTok (@realbiblerob). Look on our website www.epc-pcusa.org for links. You will soon see a new logo and updated website pages as well.
We continue to offer an alternative worship option via email and YouTube. Please contact the office to get on the email list.
Here’s the plan for worship services in September:
September 4, “No Longer As A Slave” Paul’s letter to Philemon shows tremendous grace and mercy, but it is also troubling for us today. I explore how this letter opens our eyes to the tremendous progress that we have made in our church and our society.
September 11, We will worship at Elder Nancy B's house followed by a BBQ social. This will be a special treat! I will preach “Starting Life Over” about redemption and how the small and large turning points in our lives are what being a Christian is all about.
September 18, Rev. Kimberly Crispeno will be back to lead worship with an inspiring message.
September 25, Rev. Charity Sandstrom will be back to lead worship as well.
Carol and I will have our first official vacation traveling around Wisconsin and Michigan. We will tell you all about the fall colors and Great Lakes when we return in October!
I am so excited about all of the great things happening with the church and I look forward to serving with you as we start the new school year!
With the Peace of our God,
Pastor Rob