The new church year is off to great start. We have some new people, some new music, and new energy our mission and purpose. We will start Lent in February. Lent is a reminder of sacrifice and endurance as well as hope for redemption. 2024 will be a year of change, fear, and uncertainty. It can also be a year of promise and strength. Preparation is what Lent is all about. Let’s make the most of it.
We will start new member classes in February. There are two meetings, some homework, and we will receive new members during out Easter Service on March 31st. Please plan ahead. If you are interested in joining, please contact me and I will give you all the information.
Our Bible Study on Acts continues. Join us after worship in person or Tuesday at 10 AM on Zoom. We are using Scot McKnight’s “Acts.” There are free copies on the back table at church. It is also available on Kindle. I have preordered books on 2nd Corinthians for the Fall. 2nd Corinthians is perfect to study in an election year.
Men’s Group happens at 9 AM on Saturday Mornings. We share in music, bible study, and discussion. Women’s Association meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month with lunch. Get involved in their mission and outreach activities.
Please tell your friends and family about our Online Streaming Worship. Please go to the website for the latest links.
This is what I am planning for worship in February.
Sunday, February 4th. We are honored to have Rev. Laura Terasaki in the pulpit. Rev. Terasaki is the Executive Presbyter of our presbytery, and she is a great preacher. She will preach on the healing of Simon’s mother-in-law in Mark 1.
Sunday, February 11th. Larry Y will preach “Let Light Shine Out” about the Transfiguration of Jesus. Moments of clarity are rare, but Jesus remains in the messiness of life. This is where the real work of ministry resides.
Sunday, February 18th. Every child’s favorite Old Testament story is Noah and the Ark. I will preach about the indigenous view of creation in “Noah Do Over.” A First Nations reading of 1 Peter 3:18-22 reveals how the fable of Noah fits in the creation story and God’s purpose for the story.
Sunday, February 25th. Abraham is a complicated character. He is the consistent through line of Judaism and Christianity. In “Father Abraham” I show how Abraham is at the center of the Paul’s theology of faithfulness and inclusion in his Letter to the Romans.
It is a joy to serve God with you! I look forward to worshiping with you in February!
Grace and Peace, Pastor Rob