Welcome to Eastertide and Pentecost! As we enjoy Spring, we are preparing for Pentecost Sunday, May 28th, when we will receive new members. We are using Rachel Held Evans’ “Wholehearted Faith” to learn more about our faith and how it fits with being Presbyterian. If would like to join into the membership classes, please let me know!
Our study of the Sermon on the Mount using Amy-Jill Levine’s “Toward the Kingdom of Heaven” continues. Please join us after worship or at 10AM Tuesday over Zoom. We only have 4 weeks left until the summer break. I have already selected Scot McKnight’s Bible Study on Acts for next fall. Stay tuned for summer studies and discussions.
The sound quality on our Online Streaming Worship is greatly improved. We are attracting online worshipers from around the country! Please go to the www.epc-pcusa.org website for the latest links. There are also links to our Holy Week services and St. Mary’s Coptic Church Youth Easter play.
This is what I am planning for worship in May.
Sunday, May 7th. I will preach on “Deal Breakers” that cause people to leave church and Christianity. When we ask hard questions about accountability, biblical authority, and evangelism, we can understand what is important in our faith and helps us understand people who have left.
Sunday, May 14th. This will be a fun sermon about “Talking to Athenians.” Paul was very clever in talking to the philosophers in Athens. He demonstrates to us that evangelism is about dialogue and understanding. Instead of being against skeptical intellectuals, Paul is engaging with them.
Sunday, May 21st. We are brought into the upper room where the disciples saw the risen Jesus for the last time in “Mary Was There!” Jesus’s mother was very important in the earlier church. Her life bookends Jesus’s ministry in a way that is underappreciated. James brother of Jesus was also very important in the Jerusalem church after Jesus’s ascension.
Sunday, May 28th. It’s Pentecost when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit, our Advocate. In “Laser Rock” I will speak about the amazing events of Acts 2 and how they fit into ordinary lives. The Holy Spirit is far more present than we often realize. Let us celebrate!
It is a joy to serve God with you! I wish you many blessings in this Easter and Pentecost season.
Grace and Peace, Pastor Rob