The month of May falls entirely within the church season of Easter, the seven Sundays that we particularly remember Jesus’ resurrection with joy and gladness. Poet and Pastor Ted Loder has written a poem about resurrection that keeps rattling around in my head, giving me more and more food for thought. I offer his poem for your reflection and prayer this month:
I Praise You for this Resurrection Madness
Lord of such amazing surprises
as put a catch in my breath
and wings on my heart,
I praise you for this joy,
too great for words,
but not for tears and songs and sharing;
for this mercy
that blots out my betrayals
and bids me begin again,
to limp on,
to hop-skip-and-jump on,
to mend what is broken in and around me,
and to forgive the breakers;
for this YES to life and laughter,
to love and lovers,
and to my unwinding self;
for this kingdom
unleashed in me and I in it forever,
and no dead ends to growing,
to choices,
to chances,
to calls to be just;
no dead ends to living,
to making peace,
to dreaming dreams,
to being glad of heart;
for this resurrection madness
which is wiser than I
and in which I see
how great you are,
how full of grace.
-From Ted Loder’s book, Guerrillas of Grace