We will have two game nights this summer – outdoor and indoor games, including croquet, skittles, and whatever games you’d like to bring to share and play together. There weill even be a table for quieter coloring and relaxing. Come – bring a friend – bring your family – and we’ll enjoy a time of fellowship together.
If you have a family member graduating this spring, please let Pastor Amy or Tamara know so that we can add you to the list for recognition and celebration. We will coordinate with all our honorees to find the best date in June to celebrate. Whether or not your loved one will be able to attend in person, we would be glad to celebrate their achievement with prayer and congratulations. Do you know a kid who would like to go to camp in the summer? We are blessed with two Presbyterian camps in the area that provide excellent summer programming. Coming up soon at Sound View are two special weekend camps - Mom and Me for Mother’s Day, and Dad and Me for Father’s Day. Those are both great ways to meet the staff and have fun with your kid(s) for a weekend. Family camps later in the summer are also good for that reason. You can find information online at Tall Timber Ranch (www.talltimber.org) or Sound View Camp (www.soundviewcamp.com). Camper-ships (scholarships) are available thanks to generous donations. Speak with Pastor Amy for more information.
Do you know a kid who would like to go to camp in the summer? We are blessed with two Presbyterian camps in the area that provide excellent summer programming. There are even family camps for campers of all ages. It’s a great introduction to camp, especially for families whose children are not old enough for a week of camp on their own. Brochures for both camps will be available soon on the back table in the Sanctuary, or you can find information online at Tall Timber Ranch (www.talltimber.org) or Sound View Camp (www.soundviewcamp.com). Camper-ships (scholarships) are available thanks to generous donations. Speak with Pastor Amy for more information. The February meeting was cancelled because of the weather. The ladies will meet March 13th at the church at 11:30AM for a business meeting, lunch and program which will be announced later. Kathy Giske, our scheduled February speaker will come in May. Valentine cards and candy were sent to: Kate S-D, Jacob D , Karen R ,Garrett D, Gale E., Mandy S and Teddy K . Our annual mission offering will be collected in March since we will meet at the Pancake Haus in April. The “Box Tops for Education” were mailed in January. Keep saving them for next year’s mailing. The Menaul School does get some worthwhile science and sports items from these box tops which would otherwise end up in recycling or trash. It is not too late to send a kid to camp! Both Tall Timber Ranch outside of Leavenworth, and Sound View Camp, located south of Gig Harbor, are accepting registrations for their summer programs. Whatever your age and interest, there is a camp for you! Contact Pastor Amy for more information about the camps or about the camper-ships we offer to defray the expense (Did you know that Jacob Delaney is working at Sound View Camp as part of their program staff this summer? It looks like it will be a great year for camping!). |
November 2024
The CallerA monthly newsletter of upcoming events, celebrations, and news of the church community. Categories