Advent is here! Christmas is right around the corner! I can hardly believe that this is my second Advent with you. We have certainly had a very busy year with lots of activity. This year Christmas Day falls on a Sunday. We will have a very special service filled with music, readings, and we will bring in several new church members!
The Choir has been very busy practicing for Advent. Practices are on most Wednesdays, at 7 PM. We have practices planned for Nov. 30, Dec. 7, Dec. 14. The choir will be offering music during worship all season. All are welcome!
Bible Study continues! I love how you take the Bible seriously, and how you see the humanity and humor in the Bible. We are using Amy-Jill Levine’s “Toward the Kingdom of Heaven.” Please join us after Sunday Worship in-person or Tuesdays at 10AM for Zoom Bible Study.
We are active on social media: Facebook (@EdmondsPres), Instagram (@EdmondsPresbyterianChurch), or TikTok (@realbiblerob). Look on our website for links. If you know anyone who could benefit from my messages, please encourage them to follow us!
We added a streaming worship option. Please see your Saturday morning email for the weekly link. Share this with family and friends who would like to worship online.
Here’s the plan for worship services in Advent and Christmas:
December 4, I will preach “The Lamb of God.” This is the 2nd Sunday in Advent when we light the Peace Candle. Throughout history there has been so little peace. How do we claim the peace that Jesus, the Christ child promises?
December 11, We will have a service of Lessons and Carols, filled with Bible readings and Christmas Carols. We will light the Joy Candle. The message will be “Complicated Joy.”
December 18, In “The Necessary Virgin” I will share the amazing bravery of Mary. Mary gave of herself to be the mother of Jesus. Does it matter that she was a virgin? Maybe not the way that you think. We need to know more about why Mary said “Yes!” to God.
December 24, Christmas Eve. We are cooperating with Maplewood Presbyterian, 19523 84th Ave. W, Edmonds to attend their Christmas Eve service at 3PM. I plan to be there. I hope you will join me!
December 25, Christmas Day! The Maplewood folks will join us for worship. I will preach “Jesus for Everyone.” The service will be filled with music, prayer, joy, and new members!
I am so excited about all of the great things happening with our church!
With the Peace of our God,
Pastor Rob