The congregation gave $507 for the Christmas family. The deacons donated $93 so we were able to give the mother two $75 gift cards as well as two for each child. As the family’s requested, one $75 Walmart gift card was given to each person. A $150 gift card from Walmart was given to the family for groceries. Each person also received a $75 gift card from Target. The gift cards, along with a Christmas card for each person, were delivered to Pathways on December 7th. Our family was a mother, a boy age 8, and a girl age 2.
The Christmas Joy Offering was collected on December 17th, but if you were not able to give on that day, you can still give an offering up through January 14 th. You can use the Christmas joy envelope, or any envelope if it is clearly marked for the Christmas Joy offering. It is also a good idea to write “Christmas Joy” on the memo line if you are using a check. Amy Clippinger, Dave Orvis and Ruth Roberts each read an article about people who were helped by past Christmas Joy offerings.
Fifty percent of the offering goes to help present and retired pastors and church workers with critical financial needs. The other fifty percent goes to help students of color who attend Presbyterian-related schools and colleges.
Eagle Wings disAbilities Ministries aims to build relationships for people who have physical and mental challenges, their families and caregivers. Social events for people with disAbilities are held during the year to provide physically and mentally challenged people with a safe and enjoyable chance to have some fun. Volunteer pen-pals send cards and encouraging notes to shut-ins. Families and care-givers can receive help with various needs for their loved-ones. The spelling “disABILITY ” is intentional. Their ministry believes everyone has abilities, they are just not all the same.
Our $100 mission allocation for December went to EAGLE WING’S disABILITIES MINISTRIES.