It is time to gather all the white socks we have collected and send them to Operation Nightwatch. Ruth also contacted YWCA-Pathways for Women and they are matching us with a needy family for a Christmas project. We enjoyed a delicious luncheon provided by Linda R and Ruth R with an exotic dessert provided by Mary C.
The program was presented by Shannon Sessions, who grew up in the Meadowdale area and remembered having Jerry G and Kathryn G as two of her teachers. Shannon is executive director and chaplain of Support 7, a non-profit organization with trusted trained and compassionate volunteers who serve along with first responders assisting victims and survivors of emergencies such as fires, floods, or sudden deaths in Snohomish County. They have a camper van equipped with emergency food and water supplies which provides a place for clients to get out of the weather and relax while making necessary contacts and filling out paperwork involved with their emergencies. Support 7 also supplies needed refreshments to firefighters and police who are present for the emergencies. Support 7 volunteers often stay with the affected family after the emergency workers leave in order to provide additional support as needed.
Since the organization is non-profit, accepting no government money, selling calendars is one way of supporting their operation. They put out a yearly calendar for $25 each with pictures of their operations and include safety tips which all of us should know. Please contact the Women’s Association if you would like to have one of these calendars.
Best wishes to Bev F’s son Douglas hoping he has beaten the COVID bug, condolences to Kathy C on the passing of her mother, Esther, and to Kathy F hoping she is happily settling in to her new home in Texas (we miss you, Kathy).
December meeting will again be at the church on the 13th and will be a salad luncheon. After which we will present Christmas stories and sing carols. Everyone is invited and encouraged to bring a friend.
Margaret S, Women’s Association Moderator.