Dear Fellow Travelers,
It is great to be together as we grow in our mission and outreach. Podcasts are quickly becoming the main way people listen to news and information. It is like on-demand radio covering every possible topic you can think about. I have launched the “Real Bible Rob” podcast. It is focused on Bible topics and there are already 18 episodes posted. You can download it from any of your usual devices, Apple iPhone/iPad, Android, Google, Spotify, YouTube, etc. Just look for the red logo.
I am cooperating with the Presbytery (Northwest Coast) about future Presbytery social media and podcasting opportunities. This is the best way to reach new people, especially young people, who don’t know much about the PCUSA and all the great things we are involved with. I am very excited to be a part of this initiative. Stay tuned for more information. Meanwhile, tell your friends and family about our Online Streaming Worship. We are averaging about 30 views per week and would love to see it grow! Please go to the www.epc-pcusa.org website for the latest links.
Our study on the Creeds and Confessions continues. Join us Sundays (11:30 AM in the Library and also on Zoom!) and Tuesdays (10 AM on Zoom).
Log in information is on the back of this newsletter.
Games Night on the 2nd Saturday of each month continues. The next one is February 8th at 7 PM. Crafternoon (Crafting with Carol) happens again on the 3rd Sunday after worship on February 16th. Men’s Group is very active. They meet at 9 AM on Saturday Mornings. Women’s Association meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 11:30 or Noon, depending on whether it is at Pancake Haus or at the church.
This is what I am planning for worship in February.
Sunday, February 2nd. We will install new officers and have the Annual Meeting right after worship. I will preach on the joy and pain of real love in “Love Hurts.” The ballad by the 70s rock band Nazareth has a lot of connection to Jesus’s hometown experience and the love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13.
Sunday, February 9th. Jesus seems to always show up at the right time in “He Appeared Again.” We can take comfort that Jesus is calling us to be His disciples even in these difficult times.
Sunday, February 16th. Can you trust your heart? We often think people have “A Devious Heart” as we read in Jeremiah 17, but it is important to know that your heart is a barometer of what is right and wrong, good and bad. Through prayer and discernment you can learn to trust what the Holy Spirit puts in your heart.
Sunday, February 23rd. When he becomes the second most powerful man in Egypt after the Pharaoh, Joseph strikes fear in the hearts of this brothers who treated him so badly. Instead of revenge, Joseph asks “Is My Father Still Alive” about Jacob. There’s so much to learn about reconciliation and forgiveness in this story.
It is a joy to serve God with you! I look forward to worshiping with you in February!
Grace and Peace, Pastor Rob