Edmonds Presbyterian Church is a caring community of faith in Christ Jesus our Lord. United in service, study and worship. Committed, through intentional action, to reach others with the love of God in Christ.
Below is a description of our budget to provide a better understanding of where your giving goes in furthering the mission of this church. The online report shows percentages only. To see the full $ amounts, please refer to a hard copy of the report.
Where the Funds Come From
Offerings (pledges and free offering) 97%
Miscellaneous Income (building usage, gifts) 2%
Per Capita 1%
How the Funds Are Spent
Worship Ministry 35 %
Our Pastor, Music Director, Music Instrumentalist, and choir provide worship ministries. This ministry is coordinated through the work of Pastor, Choir Director, Instrumentalist, and Worship elder, and are enhanced by our piano, digital piano, and facilities. The Administrative Assistant produces bulletins and other programs, as needed.
Education Ministry 13%
These ministries are provided by our Minister, Nursery Attendant, and others who give their time and talents to lead our people in education and Christian formation. The budget also funds youth activities. The educational ministries of our church are coordinated by the Minister and Christian Education elder.
Caring for our Members 12%
Ministries of care and fellowship are provided by our Pastor, Christian Education elder, Congregational Life elders, Board of Deacons, and church members who visit people in their homes, in hospital, and support our fellowship activities. Our Office Administrator provides staff support, with calls, cards, conversations, and listening. Our Board of Deacons coordinates care, and Congregational Life elders coordinate fellowship activities. Both of these are in coordination with the Pastor.
Mission Ministries 12%
Much of our ministry in this area centers on tithing God’s gifts of monies that we receive. Support for our overall mission ministry is channeled through gifts to several local, national, and international agencies of our church’s choosing. We open our building for use by others in the community, as well. Other designated gifts are forwarded as requested by their donors. The Minister, Missions elder, and our Administrative Assistant provide support.
Outreach Ministries 5%
We support and coordinate these ministries through our Outreach elder and through advertising. Our Minister provides staff support and guidance, along with the Administrative Assistant, who produces fliers and the Caller.
Presbyterian Partnerships 7%
Our connection to the larger church is funded through Per Capita, which underwrites the ecclesiastical needs that are provided through the larger church. The Minister, especially, who participates and conducts workshops for Presbytery and co-chairs the Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry, and elders of the church enhance these partnerships.
Building and Grounds 13 %
Our Building and Grounds elder and many others of our church help to maintain our facilities. These facilities allow EPC and others to worship God, to study, to gather for Christian fellowship, to grow in grace. Costs include building and grounds maintenance, utilities, janitorial services, insurance, telephone/internet, and security.
Taxes and Administration 5%
The Administrative Assistant tends to the “business of the church” through ensuring bills and payroll taxes are paid, and providing accurate and timely financial information to the Minister and Session.
[As a clarification: within this budget narrative, the mission allocation is included within the “Mission Ministries” category. Within our budget planning, this allocation is subtracted from income and is NOT listed as an expense. In the format of this narrative, the mission allocation is counted as an expense and is not subtracted from income. Therefore, both the income and expense numbers here are larger than in our itemized draft budgets. Let me know if you have any comments.]
If you have any questions about this information, please contact Elder Minna D.