We will hold the memorial service as scheduled on Friday, March 6th at 2 PM. We will set up a hand-sanitizing station near the entry to the church and encourage “safe” practices during the service and reception. Please use the wisdom of your own situation, the counsel of the Public Health officials, and the advice of your own medical team to decide whether to attend.
Our sources of wisdom are varied
Experience and common sense ask those who are experiencing any cold or flu symptoms to stay home until they are well.
Snohomish County Public Health has not issued any recommendations regarding large-group gatherings. Until they do so, we will continue to hold Sunday worship services. At those services, we will reduce the sharing of our germs by following the wisdom provided by our public health officials:
- Providing a hand-sanitizing station as you enter and leave the church. (we may need some donations of hand sanitizer – so if you have a stash to share, please keep us in mind!)
- Practicing basic hygiene – washing of hands for 20 seconds, using a tissue when you cough or sneeze, using hand sanitizer as needed
- Practicing the bow or elbow bump of peace (instead of a handshake)
- Having the ushers bring the offering plates to you (instead of passing of the plates)
- Having someone pour coffee for you (instead of touching the handles for the coffee pots) during coffee hour.
We also encourage anyone who is vulnerable to this virus to avoid public gatherings during the month of March. For this virus the vulnerable population is defined as anyone who meets one or more of these criteria.
- over 60 years of age
- with underlying health conditions including heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes
- with weakened immune systems
- who are pregnant.
And if you are scheduled for a volunteer duty on Sunday and will not be present, please call/email Pastor Amy or the church office to let us know.
Our faith is a tremendous strength in these chaotic times
If you will miss Sunday worship, and you would like a transcript of the sermon, a copy of the bulletin, or a link to the sermon recording for any Sunday morning, please contact Kim in the church office and she will connect you with these resources.
If you would like to experience online worship, two of our local congregations broadcast their services weekly. The links are here: as University Presbyterian Church https://www.upc.org/media/watch-live/ or Bellevue Presbyterian Church https://www.belpres.org/livestream
In faith, let us lift up in our prayers those who are suffering from the virus, and pray for their healing. For all health care workers, first responders, custodians, and others who will encounter the virus in their work we pray for protection. For each of us and our communities, we pray for wisdom, and for God’s ever-comforting peace to surround us in these anxious times.
You may find out more at these links:
Snohomish County Public Health https://www.snohd.org/484/Novel-Coronavirus-2019
King County Public Health https://publichealthinsider.com/2020/03/04/new-public-health-recommendations-to-slow-the-spread-of-coronavirus/
A good blog post about King County Public Health’s advice for faith communities: http://hackingchristianity.net/2020/03/i-pastor-a-church-near-a-covid-19-outbreak-this-is-what-churches-can-do.html
And thanks to Rev. Neil Trainer at Calvin PC for framing this discussion in terms of wisdom and faith – you are a wise and faithful pastor!
Please contact me if you have any questions about this plan,
Pastor Amy on behalf of the Session of Edmonds Presbyterian Church.