Advent! Here we come! It is great to celebrate this Advent together in community. Choir has restarted, with strict COVID protocols, to make a joyful noise in this season. We hung the greens. The Advent wreath candles are lit. There’s a new light in the darkness. The Christ child is coming! I am continuously amazed that God came among us as a defenseless newborn baby in a manger, at his young mother’s breast, fully sharing humanity with us in every way. Let us renew our hearts and minds in rebirth as we celebrate the coming of Christ once again.
Bible Studies are in full swing. You can join us in person on Sundays after worship and Tuesdays at 10 AM on Zoom. We are using N.T. Wright’s “Romans for Everyone.” You can join anytime because each study stands on its own. This will continue until Lent. For Lent and until Easter, I am preparing a study on our Presbyterian theology and heritage for everyone, including those who will consider membership.
We just completed Stewardship season with flying colors. I am so grateful for your support of church and its mission. God has truly blessed us. We are planning to reach out in new ways in 2022. There are literally thousands of people in our city who want what we have: a loving community. Let’s find ways to welcome them, so that some of them will find their way to our community. Through our prayer, our worship, our strong mission, and mostly our love, they will know who we are.
We continue to offer an alternative worship option via email and YouTube. Please contact the office to get on the email list.
On December 5, Rev. Dave Hackett will join us with another inspiring message.
On December 12, I will preach “Again I will Say Rejoice!” John the Baptist cries out with amazing clarity while we anticipate the coming of Christ.
On December 19, I will preach on Mary in “The Mighty One has Done Great Things for Me.” She tells us “he has scattered the proud and brought down the powerful from their thrones.”
On Christmas Eve, we will have a service reading the Christmas story, beautiful music and carols, and candlelight.
On December 26, we celebrate Christmas in worship. In “Young Jesus,” the twelve days of Christmas remind us that Jesus had a whole life before his ministry started at age 30.
You are an amazing and blessed community of believers. It is a privilege to serve with you. I wish you all every grace for Advent and Christmas!
With the Peace of our God,
Pastor Rob