I always like to say that there is nothing ordinary about Ordinary Time. We are starting off 2022 in a big way. The congregation just elected a Pastor Nominating Committee who is diligently praying and discerning the future of ministry at our church and whether to call me into installed ministry this summer. We are also developing some plans for working on the building, and we will start planning for Lent and Holy Week in the couple months.
Bible Studies on Romans will continue through February. You can join us in person on Sundays after worship and Tuesdays at 10 AM on Zoom. We are using N.T. Wright’s “Romans for Everyone.” I have ordered new books and I will lead our classes during Lent. We will work on a “Wholehearted Faith.” There will be just enough Presbyterian polity mixed in so that those of you who would like to can join in membership at Easter.
As we go into the new year, I’d like for you to think about impact the faithfulness of our church, meeting every week, supporting missions, being a spiritual presence in Edmonds, has on the community around us. I met with Hallack Greider, Pastor at Maplewood Presbyterian, last month. We talked about the movement of the Holy Spirit in our community. He said that something is afoot. The world is changing, and we are anticipating new ways to grow and serve.
We continue to offer an alternative worship option via email and YouTube. Please contact the office to get on the email list.
On February 6, I will preach about Paul’s conversion in “He Appeared Also to Me.”
On February 13, I will explore “Cursed with Blessings.” It is not as scary as it sounds. Blessings and curses in the Bible are opportunities for choosing what kind of people we want to be.
On February 20, I will teach about Joseph and his brothers in Egypt in “Setting Shame Aside.” Joseph is an amazing figure in Genesis with so much to tell us about ourselves.
February 27 is the last Sunday before Lent.
Then on March 2nd we will have an Ash Wednesday service
You are an amazing and blessed community of believers. It is a privilege to serve with you. I wish you all every grace for February!
With the Peace of our God,
Pastor Rob