Fall is coming. The shadows are getting longer and the nights are getting cooler. And the leaves will change soon. Things are changing at Edmonds too. Our music program will be changing as Gina has retired. The Edmonds Coop Preschool will soon grace our halls with little voices. And there is new life in our midst.
After a summer in Revelation, we are beginning our Acts bible study. Join us after worship in person or Tuesday at 10 AM on Zoom. We are using Scot McKnight’s “Acts.” There are free copies on the back table at church. It is also available on Kindle.
We will worship outdoors at Nancy Becker’s house on September 10th. She will provide a light lunch after worship.
Men’s Group is happening at 9 AM on Saturday Mornings. We share in music, bible study, and discussion. Women’s Association meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month with lunch. Get involved in their mission and outreach activities.
Please tell your friends and family about our Online Streaming Worship. We have a new camera with much improved video quality. Please go to the www.epc-pcusa.org website for the latest links.
This is what I am planning for worship in September.
Sunday, September 3rd. The Bible is filled with stories of tribal strife and warfare. God’s Law was given to provide people order and unity instead of division. In “A Safe Place” I will show that God’s place is carve out safe places for justice and mercy. Our church is an intentionally safe place for all who come here. We are taking actions to make that a reality.
Sunday, September 10th. We are meeting at Nancy’s house for outdoor worship. Maps and directions will be posted at church. “Written on Their Hearts” is about the beautiful freedom giving verses in Romans 2. Jesus didn’t come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it in equality and equanimity. Instead of a systematic theology of control, Romans is about freeing all people with the grace of Jesus.
Sunday, September 17th. In “Think Bigger” I will talk about the amazing 14th chapter of Romans. The message of fairness and common decency comes through so strongly. Jesus tells the parable of the corrupt slave to show that the law of decency and good order is already known to us. While there are many voices trying to separate us and confuse us, being decent and non-judgmental toward our neighbor is doing God’s work.
Sunday, September 24th. “Speak Up for Yourself” explores the value of complaining to God. We tend to look at the Israelites as ungrateful, but really they are just being like children. Would we act any different in the same circumstances? Paul, writing to the Philippians from prison, is an example of joyful endurance. We should speak up and ask for help, but also find solace in endurance.
It is a joy to serve God with you! I look forward to worshiping with you in September!
Grace and Peace, Pastor Rob