MISSION DONATIONS: Session voted to tithe the pre-school rent money for mission funding. Money in that account this month will go to Eagle Wings disAbility ministries and the Jean Kim Foundation for the Homeless Education. Eagle Wings disAbility ministries will receive $205 to help provide social and educational opportunities for people with special needs and to give respite and encouragement to caregivers. The Jean Kim Foundation for the Homeless Education will receive $204 to help homeless adults receive a college education. Students receive help with housing, food and clothing, school supplies, and counseling to help keep up with their studies, and assistance in finding grants to help pay for tuition.
Matthew House will receive the $100 from the monthly mission allocation. Matthew House is a ministry to families of prisoners incarcerated in the Monroe Prison. Families who drive a long distance can stay overnight. Visiting families can get a meal and have a place to relax before going home. There is a playground for children. Needy families can have groceries, clothing and toys to take home. Families who want prayer and counseling will be helped.
Ruth R, Mission Elder