Our Congregation gave a generous amount of 47 food items and $62 cash. The Concern for Neighbors Food Bank will certainly be able to use this donation since they are serving more clients now than in previous years.
The One Great Hour of Sharing Offering will be given on Palm Sunday. This offering will help feed hungry people in many countries. One way to help alleviate hunger is to give people a way to earn income to support their families.
Gifts of seeds, farming tools, fishing equipment, and farm animals help people feed their families and earn income to support themselves. A bakery in a remote area of Malawi received help from One Great Hour of Sharing to begin operation, providing employment for local women and a market for local farmers’ grain.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance provides help when disaster strikes. When Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico, many roofs were badly damaged. Help to build new roofs was given by a land trust which received money from One Great Hour of Sharing.
Though the offering will be given on Palm Sunday, people can give through April 14th if that is easier for you.
The Easter Baskets will be filled at 10am on March 23rd. Anyone who would like to help is welcome to come.
We need donations of candy, grass, small stuffed animals, baskets and tissue paper. Candy should be individually wrapped. Any size candy is fine. Please do not give gum since it is not good for the younger children. The food bank has asked for 150 baskets this year, more than we have ever made.
Mission Elder, Ruth R