Edwin worked hard in school while he was growing up, but had to walk one hour both to and from school each day. He often prayed during these long walks. After graduating from secondary school the only job he found was at a brewery. He felt this work did not help his Christian life, so he quit and went to study at the University of Zambia. He did not feel that was the right place for him either. He talked with his pastor about becoming a pastor, but at 22 he was too young for the seminary in Zambia. He was accepted at the University of Livingstonia’s School of Theology. Let’s pray for God’s guidance for these young people as they seek ordination in the Synod of Zambia. Pastors are in short supply in most of Africa, and their services are greatly needed.
Cancer Pathways needs prayer as they continue to support cancer patients and their families. The staff and volunteers give individual attention to people at a low time in their lives, such as a man who needed a haircut but could not leave home because of treatments. Someone gladly went to his home and cut his hair.
Children who have cancer can enjoy a free week of camping at Camp Sparkle where they can enjoy many different activities. Several weeks ago I heard on the TV news that Cancer Pathways was having graffiti problems. They spent $2,000 on clean-up only to have the graffiti reappear. They faced fines from the city of Seattle, Please pray for the graffiti problems to stop so that all their funds can be used to help cancer patients and their families.