Sign-ups have begun for reading and studying “The Story” during the coming school year. Sign up for your own copy of the Bible readings and to join us at one of the three opportunities to go more in-depth into the word of God:
· Sundays following worship
· Tuesdays at 10 AM in the Fellowship Hall
· Wednesdays at 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall (dinner provided.)
The Story is 31 weeks of readings that cover the overall arc of Scripture from Genesis through Revelation in a chronological format. Not all the scriptures are included, but the ones that are have been chosen to remind us of the major themes of God’s working in and through humanity over the centuries. We will begin with the first chapters of Genesis. The Tuesday and Wednesday studies will begin the week of September 1, the Sunday Study will begin September 7th around a potluck picnic table. Worship, beginning on September 7th, will include Scripture passages also referenced in The Story. Let’s study God’s Word together this year!