Started in 1949, One Great Hour of Sharing is a long-standing ecumenical effort aimed at raising the funds necessary to provide relief and reconstruction for communities in the aftermath of disaster. What started as an hour-long radio appeal has evolved over the years, varying from eight to 29 participating denominations, and has become the most participated-in Offering in the PC(USA). Today, projects supported by One Great Hour of Sharing are underway in more than 100 countries.
OGHS makes a difference in the world through three impactful programs: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) works within communities as they recover and find hope after the devastation of natural or human-caused disasters. Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) takes action to alleviate hunger and its systemic causes, and helps create access to healthy food for entire communities. Self-Development of People (SDOP) partners with people and communities with tools for development and education to alleviate poverty, oppression, and injustice.