Several years ago, it was explained to me by Norman R., that Per Capita is your membership dues in the Presbyterian Church. He told me, that if you want to be a Presbyterian, you pay the Per Capita for dues. I understood that just fine, as I am the advisor of the DECA club at Lynnwood High School and anyone who wants to join is welcome, as long as they pay the membership dues.
For 2016 the membership dues or Per Capita for Edmonds Presbyterian Church is $47.65.
At school, if you don’t pay your dues you can’t be a member. Fortunately we don’t have the same rules at Edmonds Presbyterian Church. If you don’t pay the membership dues, the church takes the money from the general fund. Taking money from the general fund lowers the amount of money we have to keep the church going day to day.
Please pay your Presbyterian Club membership, Per Capita. But remember if you are not able to pay, we still want you to be a member of the club, and you are loved.
Last year Minna D., wrote an excellent explanation of what Per Capita is.
Per Capita is a set amount of money (an apportionment) per member that congregations pay to the larger national Presbyterian Church (USA) once a year. Per Capita is one fundamental way by which about 11,000 congregations of the Presbyterian Church (USA) stay connected, and participate in the work of the whole church.
We send our apportioned amount to our Presbytery (Northwest Coast Presbytery—$39.03) but funds are shared further with the Synod ($1.50) and General Assembly ($7.12), for a total of $47.65. Please remember your per capita payment as you plan out your pledge amount for 2015.
Don I.