· Completed two initial sessions for discerning what’s next for our congregation and its ministry.
· Begun work on a project to bless our immediate neighbors with messages of hope.
· Met with our Presbytery Executive, Dr. Corey Schlosser-Hall, and continued to meet with our Presbytery Liaison from the Commission on Ministry, Rev. Ted Schuldt. We are learning what options are available to us for future ministry, and beginning the process of discerning the first next step.
· Received a Northwest Coast Presbytery grant for future architect plans, if needed.
We also:
· Continue to support our mission causes.
· Continue to offer worship, bible study, fellowship, and game nights via Zoom.
· With the assistance of the deacons and staff members, we continue to reach out to every member and friend in the church directory – online or by phone – to offer our prayers and support.
Please continue to keep your session elders and their work on your behalf in your prayers.