2015 Per Capita Due
Please note that per capita is $48.60 per member for 2015.
Per Capita is a set amount of money (an apportionment) per member that congregations pay to the larger national Presbyterian Church (USA) once a year. Per Capita is one fundamental way by which about 11,000 congregations of the Presbyterian Church (USA) stay connected, and participate in the work of the whole church.
We send our apportioned amount to our Presbytery (Northwest Coast Presbytery—$39.03) but funds are shared further with the Synod ($2.50) and General Assembly ($7.07), for a total of $48.60. For more information about Northwest Coast Presbytery - check out the new website: http://www.northwestcoast.org/
Please remember your per capita payment as you plan out your pledge amount for 2015.
Thank you for continued giving support of EPC’s ministry and mission. Because of your willingness to give, EPC continues in God’s ministry.
Thank you for planning to honor God’s commitment to you, by underwriting His work through you at Edmonds Presbyterian. Without you, His work would not go forward.
You, Edmonds Presbyterian Church, continue to affirm God’s blessings by allowing us to give 10% or to tithe our blessings to missions of both local and national concerns.
Thank you.
Minna D., Finance Elder/Stewardship Elder