Our reality: This year we have experienced decreased giving to the general fund.
What are we doing? The session is working to enact cost savings, increase outside income, and prepare for potential budget cuts. Depending on the amount pledged for 2016, we may see a combination of the following cuts: a decrease in our 10% mission giving (to 8%), decreased office hours (12 instead of 16/week), sermons offered by church members instead of a guest pastor when our pastor is gone, and/or a cut in the Pastor position from ¾ time in the summer and full time the rest of the year, to ¾ time year-round. The cut in the pastor’s time would mean fewer office hours, less time spent on administrative tasks, and a decrease in the number of classes / studies led by the pastor.
How can I help? You can help by prayerfully submitting your pledge for giving to the general fund for 2016. We can be good stewards of what God has given us if we know approximately what income to expect in the coming year.
Where are the pledge cards? In the Sunday service bulletins November 8 & 22, also in the pew racks. A copy of the card is printed below if you would like to cut it out and send it in to the church office with your pledge.