The financial plan we put in place last year has led to a nearly balanced budget as of 10/31/2016, and it looks like we may end the year in the black. Thank you for your gifts to the church! While we have not yet needed to do so this year, next year we anticipate that we may need to spend some of the rainy-day money in our reserves to support the budget. Thanks to your faithful giving, we have reserves from previous years’ surpluses that are in place for a year such as this one.
The session wants to emphasize its commitment to mission. We will not be cutting any money from our mission commitments. Those gifts which bless ministries in Edmonds, our state, our nation, and the world are funded from a 10% tithe of all undesignated giving, and will continue to be funded in that way.
If you have any questions about the budget or the financial status of the church, please contact a session elder or Pastor Amy. With thanks again for your faithful support and prayers.