Thank-you for your gifts
Thank-you for your gifts to the One Great Hour of Sharing! We received $717.87 this year. These gifts go to support three mission causes: The Presbyterian Hunger Program, the Self-Development of People grants, and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.
Thank-you to our gardeners!
Thank-you to Billy Joe R., Don I. and Don’s crew of high school students for mowing, weed-whacking and otherwise beautifying the grounds.
Thank-you to Jerry G. for tending our roses, Mary Beth B. for tending the interior garden, and Bobbie B. for keeping our new trees well-watered. Your service is much appreciated!
Hooray for our Choir!
Thank-you to the choir for another fantastic year of music! Special thanks to Kathy and Gina for continuing to share their gifts with us. We are blessed by all that you and the choir do to lead us in worship of God.
We get letters:
“To Thank You – We never know how deeply an act of kindness can touch a heart. Just wanted to let you know how very much your thoughtfulness was appreciated. The flower arrangement was beautiful. With love and peace of the Lord, Meryl P. and family.”