Doug describes his class this way:
The Bible in Historical Context" - Come with Doug Daniel on a journey of 10,000 years, as we explore the events of the Bible in the light of the wider world in which they occurred. Find out about the Assyrians, the Hittites, Egypt, and how the Trojan War affected ancient Israel. Learn what Rome had to do with the Jewish Festival of Hanukkah, and how a terrible war sealed the fate of two great religions. You will see the Bible in a new light, and understand how God's purpose has been worked out in the course of human history. We will meet October 4th, then resume the classes on November 8th.
Here’s what Alan says about his class:
We are going to study C.S Lewis’ A Grief Observed. This book is a kind of journal that he wrote right after his wife died in July of 1960. He recorded very honestly the various thoughts and feelings that he had in this time of heavy grief. As we read it, we see him going through the process of grieving and by the end of the book there are unmistakable signs of healing in his life. I think Lewis was afraid that he would embarrass his friends by the things he reveals about his thoughts in the most difficult days of his grief. He never allowed the book to be published under his own name as long as he lived. Yet it is clear that he is far closer to God at the end of this process than he was at the beginning.
There are many valuable things we can learn from Lewis and also from each other in this class. In the past when I have taught this book, people have often shared examples of their own experiences of grief, and every time this happened it was of great benefit to the rest of us.
I believe that our own faith will be strengthened as we attempt to understand what Lewis has written in this very short book. Copies of the book are available from Pastor Amy.
God bless, Alan Beasley