I think Terry is talking about a good portion of Edmonds Presbyterian Church (you and me). I’ve had many people tell me to relax and take it easy, “you’ve earned it.” But Terry asks the question. What does God want you to focus on from here to the end? Yes, I am talking about the end of your earthly life, and the beginning of your eternal life. What are you supposed to do for the kingdom of God?
The chapter continues with these questions that really got me to thinking; What legacy do you want to leave? To whom do you want to entrust what you know? What few could most benefit from your lifelong learning and skills? How can you get near them to build relationships?
Edmonds Presbyterian has been gifted with many Saints, if you are still reading these opening stories that typically Pastor Amy would have written, I consider you a saint for reading my meanderings. I’ve been privileged to be a part of the weekly Bible studies for the last several months. Hearing some of your life experiences has been amazing. You have so much knowledge and unique experiences that need to be shared.
Nearly a year ago, a group of EPC members began a 21-day challenge for racial and social justice. We reached out to a colleague at the Edmonds School District with the intent of providing assistance any way we could for young people who are struggling in our area. Last week, we were contacted about a new program the district is starting. I hope you will prayerfully consider to be a part of this program. Below are the details of what the program is about:
We are looking for 40 volunteers. Preference will be given to people with lots of life experience. Typically experience comes with age, so the older you are the better you will fit this position.
Skills - Share life experiences with one high school sophomore or junior. Tell them about where you were born, your family, your career, your hopes, your dreams, in other words tell them about your life. Discuss issues of importance to the student. NO ALGEBRA, NO CHEMISTRY, NOTHING TO EMBARRASS YOURSELF WITH, BY SAYING, I DON’T HAVE A CLUE HOW TO DO THAT PROBLEM.
Meet – Weekly (at least once per month in person, additional meetings can be done by telephone or some zoom type computer meeting) during the school year. You can meet them for coffee, ice cream, a walk in the park, or skate boarding (please make sure your medical insurance premiums are up to date if you choose skate boarding as your method of meeting in person).
Requirements – Be able to share God’s Mercy, Grace, and Love with this student. My understanding is Mercy is not getting what we deserve, Grace is getting what we don’t deserve, and Love is realizing these students are children of God and may not know about Mercy, Grace, or Love (God’s Love).
How are the students selected? - These students will come from low income and high-risk factors for success in the Edmonds School District.
Apply NOW! – Contact Kim in the church office for the paperwork. Applications are requested before the end of June – that is really soon, so call now!
What legacy do you want to leave?
God Bless you all.
Don I
Session – Administration / Finance