A letter from our mission partner Jan G in Sweden was read telling of her gradual slow recovery from a chronic fatigue type illness which she has been suffering from for the past year. She shared some stress management tips and mentioned an online course based on a book called Across the Street and Around the World, about global fieldwork which has been helpful to her. She has started working again and is easing back into work.
Rochelle H also sent an update from her family in Richland, Wa. Rochelle has been able to work with one of her masters students getting his thesis finalized to finish his Mzuzu University degree about sanitation and hygiene facilities at 121 remote health clinics in Northern Malawi. She asked for prayers for Patrick to get his thesis finalized. She and Tyler are still sheltering in place awaiting their return to Malawi. Their daughter, Mphatso, turned 8 on November 15 and is attending a local school where she requested prayers for her amazing 3rd grade teacher and classmates. Prayers were also requested for Malawi where currently only 5% of the population has received a COVID-19 vaccine. They continue to need and appreciate our support.
Ruth R, Mission Chairman, reported she has applied to Pregnancy Resource requesting a name and details about a Christmas family for our congregation. We will start collecting money for gift cards for the family, which will probably be a mother and at least 2 children. Money can be sent to the church office in envelopes marked “For Christmas Family.”
A delicious lunch was provided by Mary C. Cards were sent to Billy Joe R, who had a fall and needed stitches; Anne B, daughter of Mabel S, who passed away; and Margaret K, whose sister is ill.
Next month’s meeting will be on December 8th and will be a salad luncheon and Christmas program at our church.
Respectfully submitted by Margaret S, moderator