After an opening prayer by moderator Margaret S, Mission Chairman Ruth R read the minutes of our last meeting then gave an updated explanation of the goals and accomplishments of each of our mission recipients. After some discussion we decided to continue giving each recipient $75 again this year as all are very deserving of our support.
Treasurer Kathy M reported that the bank we have been using has been bought out by US Bank. We voted to channel all income we receive through the church account so the church can keep an accurate account of each person’s contribution. Mission contributions amounting to $570 were collected from those attending the meeting. Anyone wanting to add to our mission fund may do so by writing a check to Edmonds Presbyterian Church and noting on the bottom of the check that the funds are for the Women’s Association.
Those present requested that the same officers continue their jobs for another year, and also that they would like to have a speaker come to each meeting at the church if it can be arranged. We send our condolences to David and Kathy C on the death of Kathy’s mother Esther, who is also sister to Ruth R.
Everyone agreed we would like to have a baby shower for Amy C who is expecting a baby girl in early August. Amy agreed to having a shower in the Friendship Hall on July 9 after church. Our plan is to invite the entire congregation and anyone who would like to attend to have a light lunch with us following church then stay for the baby shower if they like. Ruth will ask the session for permission to use the Friendship Hall for this occasion.
After a salad luncheon with many delicious salads and a key lime pie for dessert, our prayer partners were revealed. New prayer partners will be selected at our next meeting which will be at the church on September 13.
Margaret S, Moderator of Women’s Association